畅游兰卡是一家专业经营斯里兰卡个人及团体旅游的公司,我们提供专业的斯里兰卡旅游资讯、旅游产品、签证、定制旅游、商务考察等旅游、商务一体化的服务。畅游斯里兰卡专注华人在斯里兰卡旅游的需求和服务质量研究,专注打造快捷、贴心的服务平台,让您的斯里兰卡之行前所未有的简单、轻松、愉悦、自在!我们拥有最专业的旅行团队,中文英语僧伽罗语三语导游,公司旅行专用车,保证您能获得最高端的服务标准,最实惠的服务价格,最贴心的服务理念,最满意的服务态度!We are a team of professionals consisting of both Sri Lankans and Chinese who work as a family to give our clients an unforgettable vacation worth of the money they spend. As our company consists of both Chinese and Sri Lankan personnel, we are very familiar with your culture, eating habits, the way you like to travel and places you may be interested in or preferred to visit. So we are the best on designing a unique and terrific tour for you all.
畅游兰卡的独特优势:我们是一个融合中国和斯里兰卡两国员工的大家庭,我们既有对中国文化、习俗、饮食习惯、心怡景点的了解,也有兰卡当地独到的旅游攻略,相信我们定能给您一个永生难忘的兰卡之旅!No matter you are a loner who seeks for an adventure, a couple who just got married and needs a romantic hideout, a family desperate of a relaxing vacation or a group who desires to explore the beauty of this green summer land, we are capable to arrange every small requirement of our clients and make a customized tour even into its tiniest detail. Because we have our own transportation service and well-educated tour guides, we can give you the cheapest and cost effective tour packages that you never going to get from anywhere else.
也许你是一位独自旅行者,想要来一场释放自我的刺激探险之旅; 也许你们是一对新婚夫妻,想要来一场甜蜜浪漫的海边之旅; 也许你们是一个幸福的小家庭,想要来一场美丽神秘的历史文化之旅; 畅游兰卡都能为您量身定制独一无二的兰卡魅力之旅,保证您在斯里兰卡玩的舒心,放心,安心,开心!