科伦坡是斯里兰卡的商业首都和最大的城市,是进入斯里兰卡的门户,素有“东方十字路口”之称。科伦坡是一座典型的东南亚海滨城市,这里有旖旎的滨海风光,也有喧闹的夜市赌场;有欢快狂放的打击乐,有虔诚笃信的宗教信徒;有巍峨耸立的摩天大厦,也有金碧辉煌的寺庙厅堂——浪漫多姿的休闲氛围形成了科伦坡独特的城市魅力。“科伦坡”在僧伽罗语中意为“海的天堂”,这是一座美丽的海边城市,市区树木繁茂,气候宜人,街头宽阔整洁,商业大楼高耸入云。Colombo, the commercial capital and largest city of Sri Lanka, a port city, with a rich colonial heritage, on the Western coast is a potpourri of races, religions and cultures. It is the financial center of the island and a popular tourist destination. The city is a contrast itself, with mansions, lush gardens, fine dining options, shopping malls packed with expensive designer brands standing next to urban slums; diesel fumed congested roads and street markets. Due to its large harbor and its strategic position along the East-West sea trade routes, Colombo was known to ancient traders 2,000 years ago.
科伦坡市的两大标志景观是斯里兰卡最大的文物收藏地——科伦坡国家博物馆和班达拉奈克国际会议大厦,前者保存着明朝三宝太监郑和下西洋时在斯里兰卡建立的纪念碑,后者是30年前中国援助建造国际知名大厦,从历史到今天,从过去到现在,中国与斯里兰卡的友谊时代流传,两国人民相亲相爱,互相帮助,结下了深厚的友谊。 推荐景点:科伦坡国家博物馆,班达拉奈克国际会议大厦,加勒菲斯绿地广场,科伦坡市政厅,独立纪念厅Despite its small size Colombo offers a varying selection of experience ranging from taking a tuktuk ride, a visit to Pettah market and eating Kottu to playing a round of golf and having high tea at one of the colonial style hotels overlooking the Indian Ocean.
With many boutiques filled with international brands and local art and fabrics Colombo is the best place to do the last minute shopping and then it’s best to retire to Galle face, Colombo’s playground for some Kottu or Wade.
Recommended places to visit: The Fort, Galle Face Green, National Museum, The Viharamahadevi Park, Town Hall, Independence Memorial Hall Square, Gangaramaya Temple.
尼甘布,斯里兰卡西部重要鱼港,盛产对虾和蟹,地处科伦坡以北30公里。有十七世纪荷兰建筑物的残迹。尼甘布离斯里兰卡国际机场非常近,只有7公里,因此,很多来到斯里兰卡的游客都喜欢在下机后或是离开前选择到这里歇歇脚住上一两天。Negombo is a town located at the mouth of the Negombo lagoon, about 7 km from the Bandaranaike International Airport. It is a modest beach town with a stash of decent hotels and restaurants to suit all pockets, a friendly local community, an interesting old quarter and a reasonable beach.
推荐景点:尼甘布中心鱼市场,尼甘布沙滩,圣玛丽教堂,荷兰运河,尼甘布泻湖Water-sports and diving are popular among visitors, with a few well-preserved coral reefs. Negombo is home to the country's second-largest fish market, locally famous as the Lellama, at the north end of the lagoon which there are daily fish auctions. Other nearby attractions include Muthurajawela Marshland. The protected mangroves of the lagoon are home to over 190 species of wildlife.
品纳瓦拉大象孤儿院Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
大象孤儿院始建于1975年,主要是收养无家可归的、陷阱受重伤、脱离群体迷途、因战火负伤及患病的幼象。目前这个世界上只存在两所大象孤儿院,一个在肯尼亚,另一个就在斯里兰卡,由此可见斯里兰卡人民的善良和爱心。大象孤儿院位于斯里兰卡盖克拉镇西北部的品纳维拉,生活在这里的大象均受到精心照顾,过着悠闲的生活,除了定时进食、洗澡,还从事一些搬运木材的劳动和表演节目,有些还在这里生儿育女,准备颐养天年呢。目前收养的大象从最初7头到现在的近百头大象。在这里游客们不仅能看到成年大象们浩浩荡荡地从主园区去西面的河滩上洗澡嬉戏,还可以给憨态可掬的小象宝宝们喂奶。 推荐项目:骑大象,小象喂奶The Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage was established in 1975 by the Sri Lanka wildlife department in a 25-acre coconut property near the Maha Oya River. The orphanage was originally founded in order to afford care and protection to the many orphaned elephants found in the jungle. Pinnawala is notable for having the largest herd of captive elephants in the world. In 2011, there were 88 elephants living in Pinnawala.
The elephants are controlled by their mahouts, who ensure they feed at the right times and don’t endanger anyone. Otherwise the elephants roam freely around the sanctuary area. The elephants are led to a nearby river for bathing daily from 10am to noon and from 2pm to 4pm. Meal times are 9.15am, 1.15pm and 5pm. People love the place and the opportunity it gives to get up close and cuddly with elephants.
推荐景点:佛牙寺,康提湖,康提皇家植物园,康提国家博物馆,马特莱香料园,锡兰茶博物馆,乌达瓦塔凯勒自然保护区 Kandy is the second largest city in the country which was the last capital of the ancient kings' era of Sri Lanka. It's set on a plateau surrounded by mountains, which are home to tea plantations and bio diverse rainforest. The city's heart is scenic Kandy Lake, popular for strolling.
Kandy is renowned for the great Kandy Esala Perahera, held over 10 days leading up to the Nikini poya (full moon) at the end of the month of Esala (July/August), but it has enough attractions to justify a visit at any time of year. Some of the Hill Country’s nicest boutique hotels nestle in the hills surrounding Kandy, and the city is a good base for exploring the underrated terrain of the nearby Knuckles Range.
佛牙寺Temple of Tooth Relic
佛牙寺是斯里兰卡著名的佛寺,位于康提湖畔,始建于1595年,以供奉斯里兰卡国宝释迦牟尼的牙舍利而闻名,是佛教徒的朝圣之地,香火鼎盛。寺院有上下两层,厅堂套厅堂,结构复杂,主要有佛殿、鼓殿、长厅、诵经厅、大宝库、内殿等,其中最重要的建筑是二层的内殿,供奉国宝佛牙。内殿正中供奉着一尊巨大坐佛,金光灿灿,佛前朵朵莲花和佛烛桌案,香火缭绕不绝,殿左侧的暗室则为安放佛牙之地。The Temple of the Tooth shrine. Kandy Temple or the Temple of the Sacred Tooth, which houses the relic of the tooth of the Buddha, is a World Heritage Site in Kandy. It is located in the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy. Worships in the inner chamber of the temple are conducted daily. Rituals are performed three times daily: at dawn, at noon and in the evenings. On Wednesdays there is a symbolic bathing of the relic with an herbal preparation made from scented water and fragrant flowers.
为了纪念佛牙被安放在佛牙寺,每年7、8月份都在这里举行隆重的佛牙节,人们举着火炬、击鼓、舞蹈,还有上百头披着节日盛装的大象参加盛大游行,热闹非凡。 注意事项:寺庙的安保级别很高,所有游客都要接受严格的安检,男女分开安检后方可进入,并且要求参观者脱鞋,需穿着覆盖手臂和膝盖的长衣服
佩拉尼亚皇家植物园Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens
佩拉尼亚皇家植物园位于康提城西南5公里处,占地60万平方米,是斯里兰卡最大的植物园,亚洲第二大植物园(仅次于印尼茂物植物园)。该园三面环绕马哈维利河,风景绚丽,是世界上最好的热带植物园之一,曾经是康堤国王的御花园。这里四季如春,植物茂盛,到处鲜花盛开,还有一个专门养殖兰花的漂亮温室。植物园内种植着来自亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲和大洋洲各地的热带和亚热带植物4000多种,以及海外引进种植的植物,不乏一些非常稀有珍贵的热带植物。园内还有周恩来总理和邓颖超亲手种下的象征中斯友谊的三角梅哦。Royal Botanical Garden, Peradeniya is about 5.5 km to the west from the city of Kandy. The total area of the botanical garden is 147 acres, at 460 meters above sea level, and with a 200-day annual rainfall. Once this beautiful botanical gardens was reserved exclusively for Kandyan royalty. Today even commoners are allowed into the largest and most impressive botanic garden in Sri Lanka. The garden includes more than 4000 species of plants. The many highlights include a fine collection of orchids and a stately avenue of royal palms. Another big hit is the giant Javan fig tree on the great lawn. On weekends and holidays the gardens are packed with romantically inclined local tourists
丹布勒石窟寺Dambulla cave temple
位于斯里兰卡岛的中部,距离科伦坡城东北149公里,位于古都康提北60公里处。公元一世纪起就修建著名的石刻雕像、庙宇,有一尊16米的卧佛,是历来佛教朝圣中心。丹布勒石窟寺是斯里兰卡一座比较典型的石窟式寺庙,坐落在一座石山的斜坡上。从山岩中凿寺,寺中有各种各样石刻佛雕像和其他雕刻,并遍布壁画。佛窟包括五所圣堂,是斯里兰卡最大的、保存最完整的洞穴庙宇,极具宗教艺术价值,展示了佛教艺术的魅力。Dambulla cave temple also known as the Golden Temple of Dambulla is a World Heritage Site. It is the largest and best-preserved cave temple complex in Sri Lanka. The rock towers 160 m over the surrounding plains. There are five major caves, which contain statues and paintings related to Gautama Buddha and his life. There are a total of 153 Buddha statues, and the murals cover an area of 2,100 square meters.
The beautiful Royal Rock Temple sits 100m to 150m above the road, at the foot of the hill facing the highway stands the modern Golden Temple. On top of the cube-shaped building sits a 30m-high Buddha image in the dhammachakka mudra.
锡吉里耶狮子岩Sigiriya Rock Fortress
狮子岩,被誉为世界第八大奇迹,是一座建造在橘红色巨岩上的空中宫殿,以其陡峭石壁上精美的壁画闻名于世,是斯里兰卡“文化金三角”其中的一个顶点,并且也是受到联合国教科文组织保护的世界级珍贵遗产之一。据斯里兰卡古代历史记录《大史》记载,斯里兰卡王朝王子卡西雅弑父篡位,但担心兄弟报复,便在这块巨岩顶兴建了这座空中皇宫避居。锡吉里耶壁画是斯里兰卡历史上唯一流传下来的非宗教题材壁画,而悬崖岩洞里的锡吉里耶仕女图,色彩艳丽,造型生动,是必看的一景。更让人心动的是,登上狮子岩便能将兰卡美景尽收眼底,让每位初到的游客瞠目结舌大叹神奇。Sigiriya Rock Fortress also known as the Lion’s Rock is a UNESCO listed World Heritage Site. It is nearly 200 meters high. This site was selected by King Kasyapa (477 – 495 CE) for his new capital. A series of moats, ramparts and water gardens — remnants of an ancient city — spread out on two sides of the rock. He built his palace on the top of this rock and decorated its sides with colorful frescoes. On a small plateau about halfway up the side of this rock he built a gateway in the form of an enormous lion. The surrounding landscape – lily-pad-covered moats, water gardens and quiet shrines – and the excellent site museum, only add to Sigiriya's rock-star appeal.
Sigiriya is Asia’s best preserved city of the first millennium, showing complex urban planning around the base of the rock, combined with sophisticated engineering and irrigation skills in the palace perched on the summit. It is considered it to be one of the oldest tourist attractions in the world with visitors recording their impressions in some of the earliest-known graffiti.
推荐景点:加勒城堡,乌得勒支碉堡与灯塔,高跷渔夫,荷兰教堂,乌纳瓦图纳海滩Galle is the major southwestern tip destination. It is at once endlessly exotic, bursting with the scent of spices and salty winds, and yet also, with its wonderful collection of Dutch-colonial buildings, a town of great beauty. Classic architecture melds with a dramatic tropical setting to create a reality that is endlessly interesting.
Other prominent landmarks in Galle include the city's natural harbor, the National Maritime Museum, St. Mary's Cathedral, one of the main Shiva temples on the island, the Galle International Stadium which is considered to be one of the most picturesque cricket grounds in the world.
加勒古堡Galle Fort
加勒城堡是16世纪由葡萄牙人建造的。公元十八世纪英国人入侵之前,加勒城堡一度辉煌,发展到了它的顶盛时期。它是欧洲人在南亚及东南地区建筑防卫要塞的典型代表,成功地融合了欧洲的建筑艺术和南亚的文化传统。在城堡的结构上,珊瑚数量居多,取代了大理岩,设计中,一切的尺寸都要严格的遵从原始的测量学的标准。在海边的城墙上,能看到大片的珊瑚,这是其他地方的城墙所没有的。设计师在建造加勒城堡时,结合本地特点,用珊瑚取代了大理岩。历经四个世纪,城堡内灯塔、要塞、教堂、别墅、街道保存完好,是南亚保存最好的海滨城堡。站在古堡上可以俯瞰加勒古城,那些古老的建筑都被花草树木掩映着,很是幽雅。First built by the Portuguese, beginning in 1588, then extensively fortified by the Dutch during the 17th century from 1649 onwards, the 36-hectare Fort occupies most of a promontory that's surrounded on three sides by the ocean. It is a historical, archaeological and architectural heritage monument, which even after more than 423 years maintains a polished appearance. The Galle fort is the largest remaining fortress in Asia built by European occupiers and has been inscribed as a cultural heritage UNESCO World Heritage Site.
乌纳瓦图纳海滩被评价为世界十二大顶级海滩之一,这里是梦的世界:月亮石般湛蓝的海水温柔地抚摸着香蕉形的海滩,沙滩上尽是金光闪闪的海沙。在这里,生活的意义变得简单,节奏变得缓慢,在斯里兰卡这座辉煌之岛,再没有任何一个地方能比乌纳瓦图纳更加灿烂。在这里,你可以在沙滩上躺一整天,或者在咖啡馆里闲逛;在这里,你可以到海湾西边冲浪、到水下看礁石;在这里,你可以到西端那些凸起的岩石附近散散步,也可以爬上Yeddenhimulla Rd背部的那座山坡欣赏海角另一边的美景。这里就是传说中的天堂。Unawatuna makes for a good, quick beach escape from Galle's Fort: it is only 6km southeast. Described as most wonderful beach location by the nature, Unawatuna is one of the best Scuba Diving Locations in Sri Lanka. You can enjoy the beach, Scuba Diving, Surfing and Sea Food in Sri Lankan Style. Unawatuna has flawless crescent of golden sand that swept along a palm-lined shore with turquoise waters that just enough surf to make for ideal swimming conditions.
努瓦拉埃利亚Nuwara Eliya
推荐景点:Mackwoods茶厂,霍顿平原国家公园,世界尽头,亚当峰,格雷戈里湖,维多利亚花园Nuwara Eliya is a small town in the hill country of Sri Lanka. Its name means "city on the plain" or "city of light". The city is at an altitude of 1,868 m (6,128 ft), with a picturesque landscape and temperate climate. It and is considered to be the most important location for tea production in Sri Lanka. Nuwara Eliya is known for its temperate, cool climate — the coolest area in Sri Lanka.
Nuwara Eliya is often referred to by the Sri Lankan tourist industry as ‘Little England’. The town's attractions include the golf course, Victoria Park, and boating or fishing on Lake Gregory. Distinctive feature of countryside is the widespread growing of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Treat yourself to a night at one of Nuwara Eliya’s colonial hotels, play a round of golf and a few frames of billiards, and escape into the town’s curious combination of heritage and the here-and-now.
亚当峰Adam’s Peak
亚当峰又名圣足山、蝴蝶峰,是斯里兰卡圣山,位于斯里兰卡中南部、科伦坡以东约40公里。亚当峰海拔2243米,为斯里兰卡南部最高峰,呈圆锥形,高大挺拔,山势险峻,景色秀美,有许多小路可以通向山顶。它不是斯里兰卡最高的山峰,但是无论从气势、名望看,斯里兰卡其他的山都难以望其项背。佛教、基督教、印度教、伊斯兰教四大宗教的信徒都将它视为神山。斯里兰卡史书《岛史》、《大史》中有关于此山的记载。亚当峰顶上有一座寺庙,庙内一块岩石上有一巨大足印,约1.8米长。对于这个足印的来历,不同的宗教有着不同的说法:佛教认为,佛祖曾三次来到斯里兰卡,最后一次他来到凯拉尼亚和这里,受萨满神的邀请在此讲经,在这座山上留下了巨大的脚印,因此称这座山为圣足山。伊斯兰教、犹太教和基督教徒则认为这是亚当(伊斯兰教称阿丹)认被逐出伊甸园的第一个落脚点,亚当在此单腿站立了千年而行成,所以这里被称为亚当峰。印度教则认为这里是大神湿婆的脚印。这些众说纷纭的说法将该山变成了这些教派信徒心目中的圣地,尤其是佛教和印度教徒。Adam's Peak is a 2,243 metres (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada "sacred footprint", a 1.8 m rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva and in Muslim tradition that of Adam.
The pilgrimage season begins on poya day in December and runs until Vesak festival in May; January and February are busiest. At other times the temple on the summit is unused, and between May and October the peak is often obscured by clouds. During the pilgrimage season pilgrims and tourists alike make the climb up the countless steps to the top. In season, the route is illuminated by a sparkling ribbon of lights which are visible from miles around and from afar look like a trail of stars leading into the heavens. Adam’s Peak saves its most breathtaking moment for just after dawn. The sun casts a perfect shadow of the peak onto the misty clouds down towards the coast.
霍顿平原国家公园Horton Plains
霍顿平原国家公园是斯里兰卡的重要生态旅游区、世界自然遗产,也是斯里兰卡唯一一个允许游客徒步的国家公园,是斯里兰卡世界自遗产之一的中央高地中的一处。霍顿平原海拔2000米,面积达3160公顷。因为霍顿平原多种地貌,植物,生物的多样性,1969年霍顿平原被定为野生动物保护区。这片“平原”本身是一块海拔约2000米的高原,被原始草地覆盖着,还有若干茂密的森林点缀其中。徒步在霍顿平原宽宽的坡道上,一路有起有伏,眼前是广阔的丘陵、小河以及各种热带植物,而湛蓝的天空和清新的空气更让人畅快万分。清晨,当你站在世界尽头,从高处极目远眺,晨光与雾气融合的景色非常震撼,山谷下的村庄、玩具般大小的茶叶种植园、甚至连南部的海滨你都能一览无遗。除了吸引人的世界尽头(World's End)悬崖之景,在徒步霍顿平原国家公园时还有机会看到各种野生动物,如猴子、麋鹿及各种鸟类等。整个景区非常原始,徒步时请不要走到规定路线以外的区域,以免遇到危险。在回程的路上会经过贝克瀑布(Baker's Falls),虽算不上十分壮观,却也为你的徒步之旅增添了一番乐趣。 Horton Plains is a beautiful, silent, strange world with some excellent hikes in the shadows of Sri Lanka’s second- and third-highest mountains. The ‘plains’ themselves form an undulating plateau over 2000m high, covered by wild grasslands and interspersed with patches of thick forest, rocky outcrops, filigree waterfalls and misty lakes. The Horton Plains are the headwaters of three major Sri Lankan rivers, the Mahaweli, Kelani, and Walawe. The surprising diversity of the landscape is matched by the wide variety of wildlife. Large herds of Sri Lankan sambar deer feature as typical mammals, and the park is also an Important Bird Area with many species not only endemic to Sri Lanka but restricted to the Horton Plains.
The plateau comes to a sudden end at World’s End, a stunning escarpment that plunges 880m. The area was named in 1834 after Lady Anne Horton, wife of Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton, then-governor of Ceylon.
推荐景点:阿努拉德普勒城,菩提树寺,鲁梵维利萨亚佛塔,无畏山舍利塔,双子池塘Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of ancient Lankan civilization. The ancient city, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site which considered sacred to the Buddhist world, is today surrounded by monasteries covering an area of over sixteen square miles (40 km²).
The ruins of Anuradhapura are one of South Asia’s most evocative sights. The sprawling complex contains a rich collection of archaeological and architectural wonders: enormous dagobas, soaring brick towers, ancient pools and crumbling temples, built during Anuradhapura’s thousand years of rule over Sri Lanka.
推荐景点:波隆纳鲁瓦古城皇家宫殿,伽尔寺,敏内日亚国家公园,兰卡提拉卡佛殿,圆形佛舍,莲花池The second most ancient of Sri Lanka's kingdoms, Polonnaruwa was first declared the capital city by King Vijayabahu I, which now is a World Heritage site by UNESCO. The glories of that age can be found in archaeological treasures which give a pretty good idea of how the city looked in its heyday. You'll find the archaeological park a delight to explore, with hundreds of ancient structures – tombs and temples, statues and stupas – in a compact core. The amazing ancient constructions, largest man-made reservoir “Parakrama Samudraya”, Gal Viharaya with its imposing Buddha sculptures in granite are some of the amazing makes that will surprise you.
敏内日亚国家公园Minneriya National Park
形容斯里兰卡是生灵福地确实名副其实,小小岛国拥有13座国家公园,敏日内亚国家公园聚集了成群结队的野生大象,或悠闲散步,或结伴嬉戏,从你的吉普车旁从容而过,让你零距离接触最真实的大自然,乐趣横生,新奇刺激。乘坐吉普车体验一次原声刺激的野生大象猎奇之旅吧!公园内还有种类丰富的各式动物和鸟类,很多挂着斯里兰卡独有的标签,保证让你大饱眼福,叹为观止!Minneriya National Park was designated as a national park on 12 August 1997, having been originally declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1938. This national park is one of the best places in the country to see wild elephants, which are often present in huge numbers, and wading birds. Dominated by the ancient Minneriya Tank, the park has plenty of scrub, forest and wetlands in its 88.9 km2 to also provide shelter for toque macaques, sambar deer, buffalo, crocodiles and leopards. The dry season, from May to September, is reckoned to be the best time to visit, as by then water in the tank has dried up, exposing grasses and shoots to grazing animals.
推荐景点:小亚当峰,拉瓦纳埃勒瀑布,艾拉岩,乌达瓦勒韦国家公园,艾拉香料花园Ella is a small town, only 8 km from Bandarawela, blessed with some of the most beautiful views, you could find in Sri Lanka. It is everyone’s favourite hill-country village and the place to ease off with a few leisurely days resting in your choice of some of the country’s best guesthouses. Ella is used as a base for plenty of trekking expeditions to the surrounding countryside. Here you can make time for easygoing walks through tea plantations to temples, waterfalls and viewpoints. Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam's Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.
位于科伦坡东南101千米处的的拉特纳普勒地区是斯里兰卡最主要的宝石产地,被誉为“宝石之城”。在僧伽罗语中,“拉特”就是“宝石”的意思,“普勒”是城市,合起来就是宝石之城。这是一个充满传奇色彩的神秘之地,这里的宝石不仅产量大得惊人,质量也好得出奇。 目前被纽约自然历史博物馆独占的世界最大蓝宝石、重达563克拉的“印度之星”(Star of India)就来自这里。这里是全国最集中的宝石产地,有红宝石、绿宝石、蓝宝石等,还有石墨矿。宝石是旅游者来到拉特纳普勒必看的,在街头的宝石市场,可以看到宝石买卖的盛况,也可以参观著名的宝石博物馆。如果时间允许,还可以到矿区参观矿工的劳动场面。想要一探宝石之美的游客们千万不要错过了!
推荐景点:宝石博物馆Located in well-irrigated valleys between Adam’s Peak and Sinharaja Forest Reserve, it is the centre of a long-established industry of precious stone mining including rubies, sapphires, and other gems. The region’s wet and humid climate encourages the formation of riverbeds, which are the perfect environment for gem stones to develop. Some say the modern name is derived from the Portuguese name Rapadura for jaggery, the palm candy produced traditionally in this region, but the more common explanation in Sri Lanka is that it comes from the Sinhala "ratna" meaning gems and "pura" meaning city. Another reason to visit Ratnapura is that it’s the take-off point for one of the oldest routes up Adam’s Peak. Peak-baggers and pilgrims pick up the Gilimalai pilgrimage route from the road head at Carney Estate, 15km away from Ratnapura.
推荐项目:克拉尼亚河漂流Kitulgala is a small town in the west of Sri Lanka. A rain forestry area, which gets two monsoons each year, and is one of the wettest places in Sri Lanka. Kitulgala is the base for white-water rafting in Sri Lanka. Here you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, play in the river, Jungle Walks, Adventurous water fall jumps/ slides, White Water Rafting and have an excellent rice and curry lunch at the local restaurants. The Kelani river is wide at Kitulgala, but it is shallow, so in the drier months it provides a safe and attractive place to swim. Kitulgala is a primary spot for bird watching enthusiasts. Inside the jungles of Kitulgala there are plenty of camping opportunities.
雅拉国家公园Yala National Park
雅拉国家公园是斯里兰卡最早设立的国家公园,也是斯里兰卡最大的自然保护区,位于斯里兰卡东南沿海,离科伦坡309公里。该公园占地1259平方公里,以众多的珍稀野生动物而闻名,据统计,雅拉国家公园是斯里兰卡参观人数最多的国家公园。1900年,雅拉国家公园被指定为野生动物保护区,公园最出名的是其各种野生动物,内有包括猎豹、野生大象、鳄鱼等野生动物,园内古树参天,风光宜人。斯里兰卡大象和水鸟,公园中的金钱豹(Leoprd花豹)则是世界上出现最频繁的珍稀野生动物。公园还具有多样性的生态环境,这里有潮湿季风林,干燥季风林,半落叶林和热带旱生林,除了森林外,还有草原,海滩,河流,湖泊,沼泽和荒地。Yala National Park is the most visited and second largest national park in Sri Lanka. The park consists of five blocks, two of which are only open to the public. The park covers 979 square kilometers. Much of the reserve is parkland, but it also contains jungle, beaches, freshwater lakes and rivers and scrubland. The latter zone is punctuated with enormous rocky outcrops. Yala was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in 1900. The park is best known for its variety of wild animals. Sri Lankan elephants, Sri Lankan leopards and aquatic birds are the most tourist attracted animals here. A safari here is well worth all the time, effort, crowds and cost.
辛哈拉加热带雨林Sinharaja Forest Reserve
辛哈拉加森林保护区位于斯里兰卡西南潮湿地带,1998年10月21日被命名为世界野生遗产,1978年列为生物圈保护区,1988年载入世界遗产名册。它是斯里兰卡唯一存活的一片原始热带雨林。这里60%以上的树木都是当地特有树种,其中许多属于珍稀树种。保护区里还生存着很多当地特有的野生动物,并以鸟类居多。保护区还是斯里兰卡50%以上的哺乳动物和蝴蝶生存的家园,也是种类繁多的各种昆虫、爬行动物和珍稀两栖动物繁衍生息的地方。斯里兰卡有830种特有的植物,在此便有217种树木和攀援植物,其中16种是珍稀植物。Sinharaja Forest Reserve is a national park and a biodiversity hotspot in Sri Lanka. It is of international significance and has been designated a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The last major undisturbed area of rainforest in Sri Lanka, this forest reserve occupies a broad ridge at the heart of the island’s wet zone. The hilly virgin rainforest, part of the Sri Lanka lowland rain forests eco region, was saved from the worst of commercial logging by its inaccessibility, and was designated a World Biosphere Reserve in 1978 and a World Heritage Site in 1988. The only way to get about the reserve is by foot, and excellent park guides, or freelance guides can lead you along slippery trails pointing out the wealth of stunning plant, bird and animal-life.
布达拉野生国家公园Bundala National Park
布达拉野生公园位于斯里兰卡南方省内,距离首都科伦坡东南约245公里。它是包括以群体迁徙的大红鹳(火烈鸟)等在内的197种鸟类候鸟过冬的重要栖息地,也是世界上最重要的鸟类保护区之一。这个公园是一座由水道、池塘构成的湿地公园,傍晚的沙丘夕阳照射下有如金子般闪闪发光,这样的环境为鸟类提供了完美的栖息地。走进布达拉,你可以看到各种色彩斑斓的鸟类,彩鹳、琵鹭、白鹭、鸬鹚、鹈鹕、灰鹭等等,各种鸟儿把这里当作了它们的乐园,尽情的飞翔。当然除了各种鸟类,这里还可以遇见大象,鳄鱼,孔雀和猴子们。布达拉国家公园中的大象数量不多,却常常露面(根据季节不同,大象数量大概在25-60头间)。除此以外,公园里还有麝猫、大松鼠和许多鳄鱼。在10月至次年1月期间,斯里兰卡的五种海龟中的四种(榄蠵龟、绿蠵龟、棱皮龟、蠵龟)都会跑上岸来下蛋,格外有趣。Much less visited than nearby Yala National Park, Bundala National Park is a fantastic maze of waterways, lagoons and dunes that glitter like gold in the dying evening sun. It is an internationally important wintering ground for migratory water birds in Sri Lanka. Bundala harbors 197 species of birds, the highlight being the greater flamingo, which migrate in large flocks. The park is also home to significant populations of elephants, Marsh & estuarine crocodiles, turtles & other fauna, including the leopard. Stretching along the coast east of Hambantota, Bundala National Park is ideal for instant gratification: in a four hour jeep ride, you can see elephants, 8ft crocs, giant squirrels & flamingoes. Afternoon safaris in the dry season (December - May) provide visitors with the best chance of seeing the wildlife.
本托塔距斯里兰卡首都60公里,是一座海滨城市,因拥有斯里兰卡著名的黄金海滩,现已是著名的海滨旅游胜地,被誉为“斯里兰卡的天堂”。本托塔最吸引人的是水上运动项目,冲浪、划船、潜水、深海捕鱼,让你可以轻松享受海上生活。小城四周点缀着高大的棕榈树,在美丽的海滩岸边建有现代化的旅馆和游泳设施,游人可以自由地拾贝、垂钓或戏水弄浪。本托塔最初是英国人度假地,后来政府重新规划开发成国家度假区,所以这里的旅游设施非常完善,住宿、餐饮、购物都十分方便。Bentota is a coastal town in Sri Lanka, which most of the land is well shaded and sheltered by tall trees with coconut palm trees dominating the landscape. Calm seas during the season from November to April make Bentota Beach ideal for snorkeling, diving, sailing, wind surfing, water-skiing and deep-sea fishing on a traditional outrigger canoe. Bentota enriched with safe swimming conditions in the season combined with fun water sports and exciting excursions that set up an ideal background for a relaxed holiday. Protected by the sluggish sweep of the Bentota River, the ribbon of golden sand that makes up Bentota beach is a glorious holiday sun-and-fun playground. Bentota is also famous for its production in Toddy. An alcoholic beverage made out of cocunut nectar.
Mirissa is a small town on the south coast of Sri Lanka. Its breathtaking secluded crescent shaped sandy beach is the perfect place to sit back, relax and enjoy Sri Lanka’s best and most stunning sunsets. Mirissa's beach and night life make it a popular tourist destination. Modest guesthouses abound and there are a string of simple cafes along the sand that seem to come and go with the tides.
Mirissa is the best place to start your whale and dolphin watching tour in Sri Lanka. In warm Indian Ocean you can see Blue whales, Bryde´s whales, Sperm whales, Fin whales, sometimes Killer whales, and Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Spinner dolphins, Risso's dolphins and Striped dolphins. Sometimes you can see turtles and various fish species, for example Bluefin tuna and flying fish. Whale watching season starts in November and ends in April.
斯里兰卡东海岸的帕西库达海滩有着无可比拟的海滩风光,拥有20公里长的美丽如画的沙滩和海湾,其得天独厚的条件,吸引了世界各地的游客前来度假。无论是冲浪,浮潜,或只是享受温暖的阳光,这里都是最佳去处。它是斯里兰卡最美丽的海滩之一,其质朴的金色的沙滩和清澈碧蓝的为人们提供了舒适的环境。这里是隐士者的天堂,犹如世外桃源,不受外界的打扰,处处散发着静谧之美;海湾提供了优质的海滩和天空,蓝天碧海相融,沉浸在水天一色的和谐美中,何其惬意!漫步海边,还能看到珊瑚化石和停留在浅滩的螃蟹。Passikudah is a small coastal village situated in the east of Sri Lanka about 35km from Batticaloa. The beaches of Passikudah are largely untouched compared with other beaches around the island, making it the ideal spot to soak some rays and discover the vibrant marine life. Pasikudah is known to have one of the longest stretches of shallow coastline in the world, which enables you to walk for miles into the warm welcoming waters that come up only to knee level. Indulge in some popular water sports such as scuba diving and snorkeling, and feast your eyes on an uncharted world of wonders lingering in the crystalline waters of Pasikudah Bay.
推荐景点:Uppuveli海滩,大理石沙滩,鸽子岛浮潜,达奇海湾,Koneswaram寺庙Sitting on one the world’s finest natural harbours, the city is built on a peninsula, which divides the inner and outer harbours. Trincomalee is old almost beyond reckoning: it is possibly the site of historic Gokana in the Mahavamsa (Great Chronicle), the sea port that has played a major role in maritime and international trading history of Sri Lanka. Most people just pass through the city on their way to the nearby beaches of Uppuveli and Nilaveli, but the town has some charm, lots of history and an interesting mélange of people. Trincomalee city is home to the famous Koneswaram temple and is home to other historical monuments such as the Bhadrakali Amman Temple, the Trincomalee Hindu Cultural Hall and, opened in 1897, the Trincomalee Hindu College.
Trincomalee has some of the most picturesque and scenic beaches found in Sri Lanka, relatively unspoilt and clean. The area is famous for bathing and swimming, owing to the relative shallowness of the sea, allowing one to walk out over a hundred meters into the sea without the water reaching the chest. Whale watching is a common pastime in the seas off Trincomalee, and successful sightings are on the rise with the increase of tourism in the area.
推荐景点:贾夫纳古堡,康德萨米神庙,卡苏亚纳海滩,娜迦神庙,大象通道,海岛公路Jaffna is the capital city of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka located on a peninsula of the same name. Jaffna peninsula is made of limestone as it was submerged under sea during the Miocene period. The city is surrounded by Jaffna Lagoon to its west and south, Kokkuvil and Thirunelveli to the north, and Nallur to the east. Jaffna features a tropical rain forest climate with no true dry season month. Jaffna has the highest average temperature in Sri Lanka of 83 °F (28 °C). The temperature is highest in the months of April – May and August – September. The temperature is coolest in December – January. Prior to the Sri Lankan civil war, it was Sri Lanka's second most populated city after the commercial capital Colombo. Slowly but surely reemerging as a bastion of Hindu tradition, art and creative culture, Jaffna is once again welcoming visitors and looking to rise again.