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Changyo Lanka
畅游兰卡中文行程Tour Packages

4天 3晚经典游3 Nights 4 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Classic Sri Lanka

现代生活忙忙碌碌,你是否也想要忙里偷闲,来个放松身心之旅?在这短暂的四天三晚旅程中,我们安排了斯里兰卡很多历史遗迹和著名景点。驴友们可千万不要错过了!Classic Sri Lanka is a short and sweet package which designed for people with busy life styles to quick escape for short holiday. Within four days and three nights, you can visit numbers of historical and famous places in Sri Lanka while enjoying your holiday.

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Classic Sri Lanka
Relaxing Sri Lanka

5天 4晚放松游4 Nights 5 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Relaxing Sri Lanka

你是否对斯里兰卡超高的幸福指数感到好奇呢?你是否也想要探索其独特有趣的生活方式呢?5天4晚放松游,让你全方位感受兰卡人民的热情好客。Relaxing Sri Lanka is designed for the people who like to have more free time for exploring the Sri Lankan life style and habits. During the tour you will have enough leisure time to walk around the streets, do some shopping and also relax yourself in a nice and warm hotel bed.

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6天 5晚畅快游5 Nights 6 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

All-embracing Sri Lanka

阳光、海滩、高山、茶园、牧场,斯里兰卡应有尽有。6天5晚畅快游让你全面畅游兰卡,给你独特享受。All-embracing Sri Lanka is the busiest tour package we got. It covers most of the historical and famous tourist attractions in Sri Lanka while letting you rest an evening on warm sunny beach with a view of horizon.

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All-embracing Sri Lanka
Historic Sri Lanka

6天 5晚历史游5 Nights 6 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Historic Sri Lanka

重走历史遗迹,探索神秘兰卡,欣赏文化遗产,朝拜佛教圣地。如果你是位历史爱好者,可千万不要错过哦!Historic Sri Lanka is designed to follow the foot prints of our ancestors and give a broad knowledge about the Sri Lankan history. Highly recommend for travelers interested in ancient architecture and irrigation technology. Among the places we are going to take you, most of them are having great relation to Buddhism.

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7天 6晚探险游6 Nights 7 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Adventure Sri Lanka

你是否想在平淡生活中找点刺激呢?斯里兰卡“冒险之都”等着你!在这里,你可以尽情享受激流漂流、丛林冒险、荒野徒步、野外露营和洞穴探险带来的乐趣。Adventure Sri Lanka is for adventure seekers who want some adventure in their holiday. During 7 days you will get the chance to enjoy a hike through high altitude rain forest and do water rafting in world famous" Kithulgala" while visiting other famous land marks of Sri Lanka.

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Adventure Sri Lanka
Diverse Sri Lanka

8天 7晚多样游7 Nights 8 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Diverse Sri Lanka

了解历史遗迹、游历著名景点、走近野生动物、感受文化习俗,8天7晚多样游让你体会多彩多样的斯里兰卡。Diverse Sri Lanka is the mostly disparate tour which gives you the opportunity to enjoy all most all famous places in Sri Lanka leisurely. During the tour, you will get the chance to visit most frequently visiting tourist sites of Sri Lanka and safari tour in famous "Yala" national park.

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9天 8晚海滩游8 Nights 9 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

Beaches beaches beaches

月亮石般湛蓝的海水温柔地抚摸着香蕉形的海滩,在这里你可以晒晒太阳、拾贝垂钓、戏水弄浪、冲浪浮潜。在鸽子岛浮潜,你可以看见五彩缤纷的鱼类,漂亮的珊瑚,可爱的海龟,温和的鲨鱼和惊艳的水母。9天8晚海滩游,让你全面感受海洋的独特魅力!Beaches beaches beaches is all about world famous beaches. During 8 days we will take you to all of the famous beaches in Sri Lanka and we will make sure you to have the total relaxation which you always wanted to have.

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Beaches beaches beaches
All over Sri Lanka

10天 9晚环岛游9 Nights 10 Days
Tour of Sri Lanka

All over Sri Lanka

10天9晚环岛游,让你全面了解斯里兰卡的文化习惯、生活方式、野生动物、历史遗迹、著名景点。环游斯里兰卡,让你深入感受兰卡之美。All over Sri Lanka is long but perfect tour to enjoy the beauty of Sri Lanka. You will get the chance to embrace Sri Lankan culture, life style, wild life, history and warm tropical weather within you long peaceful vacation.

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